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Articles in press have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Comparative analysis of empirical and deep learning models for ionospheric sporadic E layer prediction
BingKun Yu, PengHao Tian, XiangHui Xue, Christopher J. Scott, HaiLun Ye, JianFei Wu, Wen Yi, TingDi Chen, XianKang Dou
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024048
A plausible pathway to prebiotic peptides via amino acid amides on the primordial Earth
DingWei Gan, XiangMin Lei, RenWu Zhou, SongSen Fu, Jing Sun, RuSen Zhou, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, YuFen Zhao, JianXi Ying
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024050
Vertical gradients of neutral winds observed by ICON and estimated by the Horizontal Wind Model during the geomagnetic storm on August 26−28, 2021
JiaWei Wu, Chao Xiong, YuYang Huang, YunLiang Zhou
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024033
An investigation on the wind profiles and gravity wave dynamics in MLT region based on the meteor radars from the Meridian Project
Tai Liu, Zhe Wang, MengXi Shi, Willie Soon, ShiCan Qiu
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024044
Evaluating the biosignature potential of ammonium in Proterozoic red beds and implications for the search for life on Mars
Eva E. Stüeken, Philip Fralick, Stephen Hillier, Anthony R. Prave
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024045
Effects of mesoscale gravity waves on sporadic E simulated by a one-dimensional dynamic model
Xu Zhou, ZeZhong Li, XinAn Yue, LiBo Liu
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024038
Mesospheric tide comparisons at low latitudes observed by two collocated meteor radars
Jian Li, Wen Yi, XiangHui Xue, Jie Zeng, HaiLun Ye, JianYuan Wang, JinSong Chen, Na Li, TingDi Chen
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024030
The low-latitude sodium layer: comparative data from lidar observations at Hainan, China and São Paulo, Brazil
Fang Wu, Jing Jiao, GuoTao Yang, LiFang Du, ZhengKuan Liu, HaoRan Zheng, JiXin Guo, ShaoHua Gong, YaJun Zhu
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024014
Quantifying the chemical composition of weathering products of Hainan basalts with reflectance spectroscopy and its implications for Mars
Xing Wu, JiaCheng Liu, WeiChao Sun, Yang Liu, Joseph Michalski, Wei Tan, XiaoRong Qin, YongLiao Zou
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024011
Earthquake monitoring and high-resolution velocity tomography for the central Longmenshan fault zone by a temporary dense seismic array
ShaoBo Yang, HaiJiang Zhang, MaoMao Wang, Ji Gao, ShuaiJun Wang, BaoJin Liu, XiWei Xu
DOI: 10.26464/epp2024006