Advance Search

Phenomenology of plume–surface interactions and preliminary results from the Tianwen-1 landing crater on Mars
Tao Xu, Bo Zheng, ZhaoBin Zhang, Juan Li, ShouDing Li, XinShuo Chen, XiuKuo Sun, YanFang Wu, YiMing Diao
2023, 7(3): 311-330. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023044
Observations and interpretations of geomorphologic features in the Tianwen-1 landing area on Mars by using orbital imagery data
Hai Huang, Xing Wang, Yuan Chen, Qing Zhang, FeiYue Zhao, Xin Ren, XingGuo Zeng, Wei Yan, WangLi Chen, Bin Liu, DaWei Liu, LianBo Fu, JianJun Liu
2023, 7(3): 331-346. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023005
Estimation of surface water content at the Tianwen-1 Zhurong landing site
Xiang Zhou, Yang Liu, Xing Wu, ZhenXing Zhao, YongLiao Zou
2023, 7(3): 347-355. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023035
Constraints on water activity at the Zhurong landing site in Utopia Planitia, Mars
ChengZheng Yong, ZiYao Fang, CongCong Zhang, JunFeng Zhen, LiPing Qin
2023, 7(3): 356-370. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023036
Ground calibration of the Mars orbiter magnetometer onboard Tianwen-1
ManMing Chen, Kai Liu, XiaoWen Hu, YiRen Li, XinJun Hao, ZongHao Pan
2023, 7(3): 371-377. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023004
Solar cycle variations in equatorial ionospheric zonal electric fields near sunrise
JunJie Chen, WenBin Wang, JiuHou Lei, Tong Dang
2023, 7(3): 378-388. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023037
Relationships between ionospheric parameters derived from ionosonde observations and characteristics of post-sunset GHz scintillation during high solar activities (2012−2013) at Sanya (18.3°N, 109.6°E), China
JunJie Luo, Ying Xiong, WeiHua Luo, ZhengPing Zhu, ChaoWan Fan
2023, 7(3): 389-406. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023038
Automatic recognition of tweek atmospherics and plasma diagnostics in the lower ionosphere with the machine learning method
Mao Zhang, GaoPeng Lu, HaiLiang Huang, ZhengWei Cheng, YaZhou Chen, Steven A. Cummer, JiaYi Zheng, JiuHou Lei
2023, 7(3): 407-413. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023039
Two types of mirror mode waves in the Kronian magnetosheath
XinYa Duanmu, ZhongHua Yao, Yong Wei, ShengYi Ye
2023, 7(3): 414-420. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023040